▷ Guess the hidden number in the figure to solve the puzzle | Mexico

▷ Guess the hidden number in the figure to solve the puzzle |  Mexico

We present to you Very quick to solve, but not easy. We suggest you pay attention for a few seconds to achieve the goal of identifying the hidden number in the following illustration. Many users assure that there is no number behind all circles. Can you refute this version?

Not all circles in the illustration have the same color. Watch out for that. We can’t tell you more. You have to do the job. ready? Before!

Optical puzzle picture 2022

There is no figure visible to the naked eye in this illustration. (Photo: cool.guru)

Visual puzzle answer

Well this is a game. Walk with your head held high, even if you haven’t overcome a visual puzzle. Nothing happens. Here below you will be able to find out which number is hidden in the image.

This image indicates the hidden number.  (Photo: cool.guru)
This image indicates the hidden number. (Photo: cool.guru)

What is a visual puzzle?

Visual puzzle is a perfect entertainment alternative for users. It consists in finding a person, animal, object or number in an image. Some have a time limit and some don’t. Also known as challenges, visual quizzes, viral challenges, or logic puzzles.

What are the advantages of performing these exercises?

Visual puzzles are contents with very complex challenges, they make it possible to maintain and distribute attention to different sounds, to process different stimuli, to perform arithmetic operations, or to represent an object mentally.

What are viral visual challenges about?

Viral challenges are now seen everywhere because they are content that replaces the boredom in our spare time. In this way, visual challenges have been devised, which most of the time presents images where you have to find an error, find the difference or simply answer a question.

First they explain the instructions to you. Most of them have a time limit and eventually you will find the solution. Usually, this is the arrangement that you will find in different media.

What cognitive skills do we activate in these tests?

There is a lot. Among them, the cognitive skills of orientation, attention, memory, language, executive functions, praxis, visuospatial skills and social cognition.

Would you like to participate in another puzzle?

This visual puzzle has baffled a lot of people, but believe us when we tell you it’s not the only one out there. If you’d like to take part in another challenge, we let you know at We have released quite a few. They all have the same goal: to entertain people. Until next time!

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