ANEI demands an end to the paperwork in Nuevo León – El Financiero

ANEI demands an end to the paperwork in Nuevo León – El Financiero

National Association of Independent Business Owners (IHe called for an end to the paperwork that hinders economic growth and investment and hinders the development of small, medium and micro-enterprises in Nuevo León.

Fernando Luna Rodriguez, President of ANEI, presented this suggestion to Fernando Larzabal Breton, Candidate for governor of Nuevo León for PAN, during a hypothetical dialogue with businessmen in Monterrey.

The ANEI president also emphasized that Mexico lacks a policy to support and Promote the development of small and medium enterprisesAlthough they are the main generators of employment and investment at the national level.

“On the financial side, we differ greatly with other countries that have a fiscal policy for developing and using small and medium-sized companies to helpInvestment, development and entrepreneurship“, He said.

Luna asked Larzabal about the specifications of the Minister of Economy in the event that he wins the position of governor. What do you think of monopolies and whether you would like 30 percent of the country’s purchases under law to be made through small and medium-sized companies as is the case in the United States.

Larrazábal replied that if he voted in June 6 elections, The Council of Nuevo León will be asked to shortlist the election of the Secretary of State for the Economy, and he may speak out against monopolies and endorse the majority of purchases made by the state government to companies Local Small and Medium Enterprises.

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