Ecuador | Guillermo Lasso will study in the United States after being diagnosed with skin cancer

Ecuador |  Guillermo Lasso will study in the United States after being diagnosed with skin cancer

President of Ecuador, William LassoHe sent a message to the media in his country on Sunday to report this Skin cancer diagnosedIt is the most dangerous type of skin cancer Will travel to the United States to take supplemental exams.

Laso underwent surgery on July 29 in Ecuador for damage to his right eyelid believed to be basal cell carcinoma, another type of skin cancer. However, the results of studies indicate that it is a melanoma.

The president told the media that this type of case “requires very well organized multidisciplinary management, exploration and treatment strategies in other international reference hospitals,” for which he will make a personal trip to the United States.

Lasso had sent a letter to the National Assembly on Friday to report this He will be absent from the country between August 16 and 21 For Medical Studies in Houston, United States. “Since these are personal matters, I will be traveling aloneHe noted in that document and reiterated in his report to the Ecuadorean media.

This isn’t the first time Lasso has traveled to the United States for medical care.. In June 2021, a month after he became president, I had surgery in that country to remove a cyst in the lumbar region.

And while there is no lasso in the country, Alfredo Borrero will take over the presidency, alongside whom he was elected in 2021 to rule until 2025.

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