Late payment commission for BBVA, HSBC and Banorte cards


A credit card can be a very useful tool when it comes to building a credit history, which in turn will allow you to get loans for a car or even a house, but something many users do not fully understand. It is the commission that you have to pay when buying with them.

Credit cards have different types of commissions, which you must pay for your purchases or use, with data from the National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Financial Services Users (condosThe most common is late payment. Here we tell you what it’s all about and the different penalties for each bank.

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What is the late payment commission for different credit cards?

This type of penalty is applied by the bank when you exceed the payment deadline for your card, when you make purchases with it. This can range from 100 to 1000 pesos, which also adds interest.

The most popular is the classic type, here we give you a comparison of different banks and the commission for late payment, this will help you compare which one suits you better when applying for a credit card.

  • Investment: $650
  • HSBC Classic: $455
  • Scotiabank Classic Travel: $418
  • Blue BBVA: $418
  • Classic Banorte: $400
  • Classic Citibanamex: $399
  • Classic Inbursa: $399
  • Santanderlite $350
  • Classic confirmation: $320
  • Classic Baguio Bank: $300
  • Classic Banregio: $300
  • Classic seat $100

Recommendations when using a credit card

Condusef has the following recommendations when managing your credit card, for better financial health:

  • Use the card in moderation
  • Don’t see it as an extension of your income
  • Always check the court date and payment
  • Use it to pay for essential things, like appliances or furniture, and avoid using it to pay for your groceries.
  • Do not withdraw cash with it because the commission is too high
  • Always check your statement and keep receipts for everything you buy in case you need clarification

For more information on this and other topics, visit our section credits.

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