Motorcyclists run over woman who assaulted her 🎦

Motorcyclists run over woman who assaulted her 🎦

The events were captured by a security camera on the streets of northern Guayaquil, Ecuador, showing a pair of thieves on a motorcycle arriving next to a car and assaulting the driver.

At that moment you see a cherry-colored car arrive at high speed and run over the two thieves who flee the scene leaving their motorcycle lying on the street. The car returns next to the lady's car.

The thieves try to get back on their motorcycle, but when the driver realizes this, he runs them over again at high speed, this time throwing them a few meters away from where they were.

At that moment, the thieves surrender and leave the motorcycle lying around and do not return to it. Only at that moment does the video cut off, and it is not known what happened to the thieves.

β€” Global Alerts πŸ—ΊοΈ (@AlertasMundial) August 25, 2024

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