TechCrunch Confirms The Governments Of El Salvador, Uganda And Thailand Spy On Opponents And Officials

TechCrunch Confirms The Governments Of El Salvador, Uganda And Thailand Spy On Opponents And Officials

A sensation arose in social networks, when Apple officially learned that journalists, opposition politicians, officials and even New Ideas deputies were spied on by hackers “sponsored” by the government of President Najib Bukil.

Although close to the president tried to calm the situation, accusing El Faro of “yellowing” the American magazine specializing in technology, Take Crunch, confirmed that Apple issued similar alerts in Uganda and Thailand, where its leaders tried to violate the privacy of opponents and people involved.

“The steps we are taking today will send a clear message: In a free society, it is unacceptable to attack powerful, state-sponsored spyware against those who seek to make the world a better place,” said the Amnesty International chief. Apple security from Ivan Krstic to TechCrunch.

They add: “Apple uses one of the most advanced engineering processes in the world, and we will continue to work tirelessly to protect our users from abusive government-sponsored actors, such as the NSO Group.”

If you are interested in reading more about this topic, we invite you to review the following post, where we provide all the details about this attack sent by the government of El Salvador to the opponents and its officials:

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