The bearded eagle fly, considered extinct since 1836, is reappearing in France

The bearded eagle fly, considered extinct since 1836, is reappearing in France

nail Flies standing on a dead pig in the snow It was observed by a ranger from the Pyrenees National Park in France, during a health watch in the Ossau Valley in February of this year. But it’s not just a fly! , says the garden.

that it Therophora synovellaalso known as “bearded eagle” flies and its most common characteristic is the presence of a bright orange head.

Considered extinct since 1836 and Included in the list of extinct species of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), this fly is considered a “scavenger”.

Since 2018, entomologist Laurent Belozuelo (Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse) has mobilized representatives to investigate the species on the French side of the Pyrenees.

“The bearded eagle fly is particularly active in winter, and the cold does not seem to disturb its larvae, which feed on decomposing carcasses in the snow. The rotten remains of large mammals, wild or domestic.”

Photo: Pyrenees National Park

The European Garden described it in detail The notes made are “extremely rare” and important to know the species; Finally, he urges:

“Do you see this fly recognizable by its orange head? Remember: photograph it, Locate it (date of observation), and Send this information Mr. Laurent Belozuelo Via [email protected] “.

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