The FBI is looking for the “Queen of Cryptocurrency”; She offers $100,000 to her site

The FBI is looking for the “Queen of Cryptocurrency”;  She offers $100,000 to her site

He disappeared five years ago. The FBI decided to turn around Roja Ignatova in one of its priority objectives.
This 42-year-old Bulgarian woman, who calls herself the largest scam in cryptocurrency history and one of the most expensive scams for victims, is suspected of organizing “Queen of Cryptocurrency”He was included in the famous list of ten most wanted criminals in the United States.
View the FBI $100,000 To help locate this woman. A month ago, Europol promised 5000 Euro Who can give information leading to his arrest.
The Big Promise of the Cryptocurrency OneCoin
“She’s one of the biggest criminals and she’s free.”Jimmy Bartlett, the British journalist who spent his final years trying to track down Ruja Ignatova, told Vice and even published a year-long “Queen of Crypto,” a BBC podcast to talk about it.
For him, he has little to envy Bernard Madoff, the famous American financial fraudster who made victims of his fraud lose more than 60 thousand million dollars at the end of the 2000s.
Ruja Ignatova has stolen at least $4 billion from millions of victims in nearly 70 countries.

What is the history of the cryptocurrency queen?

Its history is unknown: at the time it was in operation, cryptocurrencies, bitcoin and the like were not part of the trending topics and were not of public opinion. However, his epic criminal scam, which began in 2014, involved other members, including mafia groups in Eastern Europe.
Ruja Ignatova is the creator of “OneCoin”, One of countless cryptocurrencies that have sought to compete with Bitcoin over the past decade.
Unlike 99% of other competitors in the field of cryptocurrency, “OneCoin” has managed to attract the interest of a wide audience, far from the traditional circle of insiders.
There are a plethora of newspaper articles devoted to images of victims, from the suburbs of Glasgow to rural Uganda to the Franco-Belgium border.
In 2006, at the height of her fame, Ruja Ignatova managed to fill such prestigious halls as Wembley Arena In London to promote the advantages of “OneCoin”, which is supposed to be “It will replace Bitcoin in less than two years.”
Through her personality, the scammer managed to convince about three million investors by 2016.
Her strategy was to appear calm and confident, while showing off her law degree and alleged work for the prestigious McKinsey consulting firm, the Wall Street Journal notes.
Ruja Ignatova has also been doing television sales and has emerged as one of the main promoters of a magazine-sponsored event.The Economist100% funded by OneCoin.
small pyramid sale cult
Ignatova has also managed to attract specialists in multi-level sales, hierarchical sales systems that, in the end, only benefit economically those at the top of the pyramid.
This was the true nature of “OneCoin”. Only Ruja Ignatova is sold “crypto-vent” to members of your community. He asked them to buy, with real coins, fake money, which at that time was impossible to change into real currency.
As in all pyramid schemes, Cryptocoin and its minions promised to compensate those who recruited new members into the “Family”.
Because this is how Ruja Ignatova referred to all the members of the OneCoin “club”. Kan system “Similarities with Millennium Cults”The BBC has reassured Eileen Parker, a specialist in sectarian movements at the London School of Economics.

“People think they are part of a big project and invest in something that will change the world, in the end, it is almost impossible for them to admit they are wrong,” he explains.

As in most sects, while members “Base” From the hierarchical pay, the leaders who are at the “top” get rich.
In 2018, French journalist Maxime Grimbert spent months tracing the financial path to uncover hundreds of shell companies that allowed Roja Ignatova and her relatives to buy luxury properties across Europe.
But when financial authorities in various countries, including Germany, Bulgaria and the UK, issued warnings about the “OneCoin” business model, investors/victims started asking for answers.
In particular, they wanted to know why “OneCoin” could not be converted into dollars or euros.
Ruja Ignatova confirmed that the value of her cryptocurrency has increased significantly thanks to the investments made … In fact, it was the leaders of the project who determined the value of “OneCoin” as they liked.
Blindness in Greece
During a major conference planned in Lisbon in October 2017, the scammer was expected to deliver some good financial news to its investors, who were increasingly impatient for their money.
She never appeared on stage and from that moment on, nothing was heard from her again.
The FBI discovered that two weeks before the conference was announced in Portugal, he had taken a trip to Athens, where he had apparently disappeared. She would discover, by chance, that her then-fiancé, whom she spied because she suspected he was cheating on him, was cooperating with the FBI, she says. The Wall Street Journal.
A discovery that would have propelled her to her feet as quickly as possible.
Since then, rumors and conspiracies have spread: she will be killed by disaffected investors, will remain in hiding in Greece or even in Dubai, or will return to Germany, where she grew up, or will be protected in Bulgaria. by the mafia groups that helped enrich it.
His whereabouts are uncertain: What is the truth about the fall of the house of cards from “OneCoin”. after the disappearance “Queen of Cryptocurrency”, it was his brother, Konstantin Ignatov, who took over the management of the company before handing it over to his mother, who later transferred it to other businesswomen. In the end they all disappeared.
Not surprisingly, this story is of interest to Hollywood. Film studio MGM announced in 2020 the release of a movie called OneCoin ‘forged!The role will be played by Ruja Ignatova Kate Winslet, Actress who first appeared in feature films such as Titanic or infection.

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