The massive blackout increases the heatwave and affects more than 700,000 users in Buenos Aires, who are responding with a wave of memes



12 ene 2022 01:24 GMT

While temperatures hover around 40 degrees Celsius, much of the Argentine capital and surrounding areas have been left without electricity.

With temperatures hovering around 40 degrees Celsius, Buenos Aires is experiencing an intense heat wave joined by massive blackout In that capital and its surroundings, which affects more than 700,000 users.

The breakdown of electric power is due precisely to the high consumption of electricity due to temperatures that affect the entire country. with max. 41 degreesThe Autonomous City of Buenos Aires has reached its second historical mark.

The Electricity Regulatory Authority (ENRE) reported by Release.

The agency confirmed that at 1:14 p.m., “a disruption occurred in the high voltage line 46, which connects the Moron Transformer station to the Malaver Transformer station.”

Thousands of affected users turned their complaints and annoyance on the situation on social networks, with electricity providers, Edenor and Edesur, the main target.

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