What science explains about harem, considered the quintessential esoteric plant – El Sol de Zacatecas

What science explains about harem, considered the quintessential esoteric plant – El Sol de Zacatecas

Street (Graveolens Road), is a plant 50-90 cm high, with fleshy leaves, very divided, bluish-green in color and strong aroma. The flowers are yellow with five petals, with a green center.

A street that is native to southern Europe.It is found in hot, semi-warm, semi-arid, very dry and temperate climates from 10 to 2750 meters above sea level.


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Rue is mainly used to combat stomach pain. In Michoacan this is called Mazzarni’s disease Its cause is attributed to the frequent intake of food, therefore it is recommended to use a decoction of the branches of rue and chamomile.

Also, this plant is used for treatment Gynecological problemsLike menstrual cramps that are characterized by severe abdominal pain during menstruation days.

It is known that rue is used for dilution “air pain”which is characterized by a headache resulting from leaving the room “hot” without covering it properly.

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According to the Digital Library of Traditional Medicine, affiliated with the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), the way rue is used to treat “Air Pain”fried in lard and spread gently on the temples.

The active ingredients of the drink are due to a The essential oil contained in the plant These include smooth muscle relaxants, uterine stimulator, antispasmodic, anthelmintic and antibiotic.

This plant can be poisonous if used improperly, the average lethal dose of essential oil from the branches in the mouse was 2543 g / kg, in the rat 5 g / kg, and in rabbits 5 g / kg applied externally.


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The study also found a Abortive action of essential oil in pregnant rabbits, hepatotoxic and renal toxic effect.

Personally, Toxic effect describes an irritating and photostimulating action of the essential oil and leaves applied externally, causing severe erythema and hyperpigmentation; Edema and blistering.

In the past, when a woman did not want to get pregnant, she would consume manure, as it stimulates uterine contraction and can cause a miscarriage.

Relate magical powers

In the Middle Ages, it was used as anti-magic curesince they claimed it remove the cursessince then Magical properties are attributed to the harem.

a) yes, It is used to protect against spells, curses and envy.because they assure that it neutralizes negativity and easily absorbs the bad feelings surrounding it, There are those who claim that it transforms negative energies into positive energies and attracts prosperity When things are not going well. It brings peace and tranquility.


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Rue is used to make spells and spellsso you also have the ability to undo them, especially the ones you have It is related to the emotional aspects of people.

Some recommend carrying a few leaves in your pocket or purse to counteract negative energies and the evil eye.

also, He is credited with breaking down economic barriers by burning a few leaves in an incense or potWhether at home or at work, to open paths to well-being and help achieve success.

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