Seasonal greetings! Half of the Billboard 200’s top 10 albums are Christmas albums

Seasonal greetings!  Half of the Billboard 200’s top 10 albums are Christmas albums

Buble birthday The album increased from 6 to 4 with 55,000 album equivalents obtained in the week ending December 10 (a 14% increase), according to Nielsen Music / MRC Data. Also joins the joy: Carrie Underwood‘s my gift (9-5, new peak of 53,000 units; up 19%), Nat King Cole‘s Christmas song (12-7 with 42,000 units; 20%), Pentatonics‘s Pentatonix’s best birthday (16-8 with just over 39,000; up 22%) and Mariah Carey Happy birthday (10-15 with 38,000; up 17%).

The last time five Holiday albums were among the top 10 that happened on the chart of December 21, 2013 dated. That week, the top ten hosted Kelly Clarkson Encapsulated in red (No. 3), Robertson Hall Duck: The Robertson Family’s Birthday (No. 5), Pentatonix Btuxmas (EP) (No. 7), Bublé’s birthday (No. 8) and Mary J. Blige Birthday of Mary (No. 10).

As for the holiday effort, this week’s 10 best games: Bublé’s birthday It spent five weeks at number one in 2011-12 and the album has returned to the top ten in every Christmas season since then.

Underwood my gift It previously peaked at # 8 on the chart on October 10, after its release on September 25. With a 9-5 jump, it also became the highest-grossing newly released holiday album since Pentatonix Quintet Christmas In late 2016 and early 2017. Quintet Christmas Released on October 21, 2016, it debuted at number three on the chart on November 12, 2016 and peaked at number one for two weeks (January 7-14, 2017).

Nat King Cole Christmas song It first reached the top ten on January 5, 2019, chart (peaking at # 7). Pentatonics Pentatonix’s best birthday It peaked at # 7 on December 28, 2019, chart and Curry Happy birthday He was crowned at No. 3 on December 17, 1994, the chart.

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