The Potential of CBD in Managing Tech Addiction and Promoting Digital Well-being

The Potential of CBD in Managing Tech Addiction and Promoting Digital Well-being

Before we found ourselves deep into the digital era, the most addictive substances were alcohol and prohibited drugs. Now a new monster taking the world by storm in the digital space hasn’t spared teens, young adults, and older adults. The overuse and ultimate abuse of technology is a concern as the young have become unproductive in most areas of their lives in pursuit of social substance, and mental health has never been more unstable for most people. How can CBD reduce this tech dependency and boost one’s mental health? We explain that and more in this article. 

Benefits of CBD 

Users are always talking about the entourage effect that comes from the ideal merger of CBD with THC. Most CBD oils and brands you find at contain just the right amount of THC to work on pain relief and other ailments without making one high or paranoid, and you can choose from isolates to broad and full spectrums strengths.

Here are some of the best-known benefits of CBD. 

Can Treat Some Epilepsy Syndromes

The Food and Drug Administration approved a CBD-based drug, Epidiolex, for epileptic seizures from Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome. The product is used on children at least older than 2 years and has been observed to reduce the impact of seizures and the factors leading to them. Test doses were administered at 10mg and 20mg per kg per day, respectively. Dosages are assigned by a doctor, and Epidiolex works best alongside other medications. 

Works on Anxiety, PTSD, and Depression 

A test on 57 people battling anxiety and PTSD was conducted, with one control group receiving 150 milligrams, 300 milligrams, or 600 milligrams of CBD, while the placebo group received none. The recipients received these doses before giving speeches in public, and the groups that received 300mg showed reduced anxiety levels. The recipients of 600mg of CBD showed heightened anxiety, while the 300mg had some anxiety levels. Experts emphasize the need for the correct dosage and for beginners to ease into it slowly. 

Used on ASL and Pain Management 

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a condition that causes the brain and spinal nerve cells to deteriorate over time, and it only gets worse. It has no known cure or cause, so the best that can be done is to manage the pain coming from muscle stiffness and tightness. The entourage effect from the combination of THC and CBD reduces stiffness and tightness, effectively making it manageable. A similar observation is made for those using CBD to manage arthritis. 

The entourage effect works this way: similar doses of CBD and THC temper the high from THC, while a little THC with lots of CBD enhances CBD’s effectiveness. Most people prefer full-spectrum products for the best results. 

Managing Neuropathic Pain 

Studies led to the Canadian government authorizing Sativex for pain management. This spray administered on the mouth’s lining is the only product that managed some cancer patients’ multiple sclerosis-related central neuropathic pain. A study in the US on patients with symptomatic peripheral neuropathy showed CBD to reduce the disease’s symptoms and manage pain better than any other product without adverse effects. 

Could Help with Opioid Addiction 

More studies are needed to show how this works, but some trials show CBD to reduce anxiety and the cravings that lead heroine abusers to want to use. The analgesic properties of cannabidiol calmed the mind enough to lessen withdrawal effects in users. Since CBD doesn’t contain the high associated with THC, one is unlikely to fall into a dependency trap. If users can stay on course long enough, they could fend off heroin and opioids with their harmful effects. 

How does one marry CBD and tech addiction? Addiction is addiction, so the symptoms a heroin user exhibits during withdrawal may very well be similar to those of a tech addict. CND calms the mind, creates a mild sedation that takes the mind off what it is missing, and the creative episodes from selected strains create a diversion to explore something else. 

The Legality of CBD  

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is one of the hundreds of compounds found in the cannabis plant, but it is the only one known not to have any psychotic properties. It was declassified as one of the prohibited substances in 2018, so now it is used medically and recreationally with a wide variety of benefits. The World Health Organization noted that CBD has no known negative implications for the health of human beings and that the benefits were quite well documented. It also mentioned CBD didn’t possess the qualities that would lead to dependency and abuse.

To ease cannabis research, the FDA relaxed some of its rules that made it hard to source and distribute weed for research. The Farm Bill of 2018 went even further by removing hemp-derived products from the Controlled Substance Schedule, which automatically delegalized CBD. Today, 23 states, DC, and Guam, have legalized adult-use marijuana, while 38 states and DC allow medical marijuana. Notably, only CBD is delisted from Schedule I, while all other cannabinoids remain on the ban list. The Farm Bill allowed for 0.3% of THC and nothing more in products for them to be considered legal. 


There is still so much unknown about the cannabis plant because research costs a ton, but what we know so far indicates it has more benefits than harm. It takes willpower to reduce the use of tech and to be more present, and a relaxed mind is a good place to start. The current variety of CBD products, such as oils for vapes and oral consumption, soft gels, balms, edibles, and bath products, ensures everyone gets a way to get it in that is comfortable for them. It starts with relaxation, better sleep from the sedation from Indica strains, and some Sativa to boost creativity and sociability. 

Tia Moskalenko’s expertise is in interviews with her work appearing on Ganjapreneur and Detroit Metro Times. While she could have worked in any industry, cannabis caught her attention for its intrigue and misreporting. Tia focuses on educating the masses with her interviews and getting the facts from industry stakeholders. She contributes to AskGrowers’ list of informative articles.

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