The United States imposes first sanctions on Iran for violating human rights | The world | DW

The United States imposes first sanctions on Iran for violating human rights |  The world |  DW

The government of Joe Biden, which is seeking to return Iran to the international agreement to limit its nuclear program, announced on Tuesday (03.09.2021) the first sanctions against senior Iranian officials accused of violating human rights.

The appointments extend to Ali Himtian and Masoud Safdari, who are members of the Revolutionary Guards, the Iranian ideological army, who will be prevented from entering the United States because of their responsibilities while interrogating detainees in the 2019 and 2020 protests. Your family members.

Nuclear deal

“Today at the Human Rights Council in Geneva, we express our concern clearly about the violations that the Iranian government continues to commit against its own citizens, including the unfair detention of many people in deplorable conditions,” said US diplomatic chief Anthony Blinken. , As current situation.

The Biden government promised that the United States would re-join the nuclear agreement that Tehran signed in 2015 with the great powers, from which the government of Donald Trump decided to withdraw.

In return, Iran is required to honor its commitments to curb its nuclear program.

In this scenario, the US government should once again lift the sanctions imposed on Iran that were suspended thanks to the agreement, but Trump has reimposed them from 2018.

MG (AFB, Reuters)

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