“The United States is neither classified nor classified as a tax haven in Colombia”

“The United States is neither classified nor classified as a tax haven in Colombia”

Vanessa Perez Diaz – [email protected]

Disclosure of more than 500 names of Colombian natural and legal persons who set up companies in tax havens, thanks to an investigation that called pandora leaves, put Diane’s current manager, Lisandro Junco, in the spotlight.

Hours after the investigation was revealed, the current official provided a series of clarifications on his Twitter account, in which he explained why he was not accused of using an outside company’s number.

One of the points he made was that the company he founded with his wife was in the United States, which is not considered a tax haven.

The community you mentioned @scenes We established it with my wife as a family business that started in 2016. The company was established in the USA on 9/8/2016. Tests: cert. Florida and EIN tax identification number with the IRS. pic.twitter.com/4jXqg8qxwg

LISANDROJUNCOR October 3, 2021

“The USA has not been, and is not classified, as tax havens in Colombia, nor in multilateral organizations such as the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, the United Nations or the European Union, among many others,” he noted in his social media profile. network.

He confirmed that the company he registered was established in the United States, specifically in Florida, in September 2016. He explained that he established it with his wife as a family business.

He specified: “The company opened in front of Citibank of Miami with a balance of $40, which is valid so far and has a balance of $10,954, which my wife and I declared before Dian. The source of the account balance is our savings.”

Likewise, he added that the said company that he had set up with his wife in the United States had announced before the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) for the fiscal years 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020. “The year 2021 has not been announced, since the fiscal close. On December 31, 2021 The statements were revealed in front of the newspaper El Espectador.”

Finally, he recalled on his Twitter account that he had published, on a voluntary basis and on September 9, his announcement of the assets he held abroad, asking the question: “How many public officials have done this?”

This was the official statement he posted on Twitter:

The official explained that he met on several occasions with Al-Wasila journalists, who published the investigation and published it to clarify the required information regarding the establishment of the partnership with his wife.

My statements and all my actions are open to the authorities, and they have been shown to the media and their journalists at various meetings, where I have nothing to hide.

LISANDROJUNCOR October 3, 2021

Among the clarifications he provided, he explained that there was a violation in the investigation. “The incorporation of the company is carried out by APEX RESIDENT AGENT SERVICE LLC, as evidenced by the signing of the application documents. Not with SFM. The intriguing fact is, that the documents submitted by El Espectador use a completely different logo than the one you find on Google from SFM.”

He added, “The investigation says these are the signatures of Pandora Papers. APEX has never come out. However, El Espectador is putting up a teaser, associating APEX with SFM and therefore me. APEX is on this list from Pandora Papers?”

Strange fact. Research says these are signatures Tweet embed . APEX does not come out at any time. however, @scenes Makes a rope to connect APEX to SFM and hence me. You can find APEX, in this list of Tweet embed ? pic.twitter.com/JeKPwMw8Ra

LISANDROJUNCOR October 3, 2021

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