US Security Adviser begins a tour of Colombia, Ecuador and Panama | Ecuador | News

US Security Adviser begins a tour of Colombia, Ecuador and Panama |  Ecuador |  News

Dalip Singh will meet President Guillermo Lasso during his tour of Latin America.


Dalip Singh, US President Joe Biden’s deputy national security advisor, began a tour of Colombia, Ecuador and Panama on Monday to begin forming A grand infrastructure plan with which the United States wants to counter the progress of China.

Singh arrived in Colombia last Sunday on a trip that will last until Thursday, where He will meet with Colombian Presidents Ivan Duque and Ecuadorean Guillermo Lasso; As well as with several Panamanian ministers and representatives of different sectors of the three countries.

The aim of his tour is to hear ideas for designing an infrastructure project Biden wants to launch “One Belt, One Road” as an alternative to the Chinese project.A senior US official explained in a conference call with a small group of media outlets, including Efe.

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Biden already persuaded the rest of the G7 member states (the seven most advanced countries) in June to launch an initiative with him called “Rebuilding the World Better” which seeks to invest in infrastructure in developing countries in Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, the Indian Ocean and the Pacific .

The White House is still developing this initiative and plans to present it “the beginning of next year,” according to the aforementioned official, who requested anonymity.

To craft the project, Biden’s advisers want to make a series of trips to “listen” to the priorities and problems of countries that might benefit from the initiative, and they’ve chosen Latin America as their first stop because it’s a continent the president knows so well. “Intimate,” the source added.

“The idea is to offer a product that reflects our values, with high environmental and labor standards and complete financial transparency”, reassured the official.

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During his visit, Singh will ask his interlocutors in the three countries how the US can “help them solve their problems” regarding their infrastructure investment needs, and what their “experience” is with investment agreements with other countries. Like China, the source added.

“It’s not about applying pressure, but about offering a better product” from China, the official stressed.

Official sources said that during his visit to Colombia on Monday, Singh will meet with President Duque and “other cabinet members” including representatives from the Ministry of Health to discuss vaccine production capacity.

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You will also meet with representatives of private financial institutions working on infrastructure, union leaders and environmental advocates.

On Tuesday, Singh will be in Ecuador, where he will meet with President Lasso and much of his government, as well as with representatives from the private sector and civil society.

Ecuadorean ministers Singh will speak with Foreign Minister Mauricio Montalvo. Head of Environment, Gustavo Manrique; Public Health, Ximena Garzón; that telecommunications, Viana Mainu; That Energy, Juan Carlos Bermo; and National Planning Secretary, Jeron Merchant.

Finally, Biden’s advisor will visit Panama on Wednesday and Thursday, where he will meet with Environment Minister Melsiades Concepción; Private Investment, Jose Rojas; And that of Public Works Raphael Sapong. As well as with the authorities responsible for the Panama Canal and business.

The US future plan is expected to mobilize capital from the private sector to drive projects in four areas: climate, health security, digital technology, and gender equality. (I)

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