Latin Americans are the group with the largest student debt in the United States

Latin Americans are the group with the largest student debt in the United States

according to data From Borrower Protection Center for Students (SBPC), 72% of students of Latin American descent in United State live with student debt. This population faces Economic and social difficulties That force them to apply for more loans, but in One in three cases fails to complete their university education, According to specialists. Similarly, university students under this weak scheme experience greater vulnerability in their communities and urban settings as a result of loans and collection policies.

at least 45 million students They suffer from the economic and psychological effects of student debt that allow them to complete their undergraduate education, SBPC reported. However, the process is not fair and It primarily affects people of non-white ethnicityAmong them are outstanding students from Latin America, people of African descent and from some regions Asia. a vote Made by University of North Carolina You mentioned that a third of Latin Americans have this debt Not completing their university studies due to instability.

the study SBPC published in 2020 looked at 12 years of evidence with information about the status of student loans. In this way, they found out the total amount of 1.7 trillion dollars in debt During the first year of the health crisis, despite official efforts to mitigate it. in addition to , 83% of Latin American students are in debt, compared to 65% reported by their white peers. The disparity experienced by this population increases with the practices of scammers and lenders who maintain it Abusive Payment Policies. In this regard, the organization added, many families end up in very poor neighborhoods as a result of student debt. Especially considering the difficulty of searching for other homes because of racism.

The consequences of accumulating student debt cover both economic, health and welfare issues, particularly in the current panoramic landscape of the health crisis. According to recent studies, 85% of college students already They experience moderate and high levels of stress and tension. Among the main reasons why Latin Americans are more at risk are: Economic difficulties s racism. In this sense, according to United nations (United Nations), racism remains ‘A ferocious global pandemic’, and one of the areas where it causes the most damage is United State. In this regard, the Secretary-General said Antonio Guterres Highlighted Atlanta shooting, on March 16, 2021, nearly a year after the pandemic was declared.

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