These are the new professors of medicine and nursing

These are the new professors of medicine and nursing

Susana Sanchez and Fatima Leon.

The University of Seville (USA) Two new full professors have been appointed in the field of health sciences. it’s about Susana Sanchez, from the field of knowledge in preventive medicine and public health. And the Fatma Leonattached to the Nursing Department, according to what was announced by the Ministry of Universities through a decision published in Official Gazette (BOE).

Susana Sanchez PhD in pharmacy by the United States. In addition, it contains a file Post-doctoral stage In the vascular mechanisms involved in the toxicity of COX-1 and COX-2 NSAIDs from the same university, where she taught as a professor. He has also done postdoctoral work on therapeutic non-compliance in elderly patients and on “Gastrointestinal peptides: New therapeutic targets for the control of inflammatory bowel disease and colorectal cancer”.

He has also achieved in the United States Effects of Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) and curcumin in the prevention of colorectal cancer associated with experimental ulcerative colitis, as well as the function of the non-saponifiable portion of the oil in the same disease. He studied the effects of AVOE in rheumatoid arthritis through a bio-guided chemical study of pharmacological characterization and development of functional components.

Who is Fatma Lyon?

for this part, Fatma Leon Participates with the United States in investigation project “Empowering Andalusian Roma Women and Girls to Discriminate Through Reproductive Justice” and in “Research for Participatory Community Action on Reproductive Justice Led by Roma Adolescents.” In addition, she is responsible for the project “Assessment of the impact of breastfeeding support groups in primary health care centers in Andalusia: a randomized clinical trial”.

She also has extensive experience as an author of scholarly publications and conference contributions, and Dissertation moderator Enrique Carlos Torn “Health education as a factor to reduce anxiety before cardiac catheterization”.

Although it may contain statements, statements, or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend the reader to consult a health professional for any health-related questions.

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