Carmen Salinas remains in intensive care; Waiting for a cerebral vascular specialist

Carmen Salinas remains in intensive care;  Waiting for a cerebral vascular specialist

It was a family Picture of Carmen Salinas I mentioned that a Cerebrovascular specialist To analyze the condition of the actress who dawned on Thursday suffer Apoplexy.

Gustavo Briones, also nephew Former Federal DeputyShe informed the media that her aunt is still in intensive care in a coma so that the family cannot reach her.

They announced that they will be informed on Friday morning again of his health condition.

The diagnosis they give us is a stroke, she’s in a normal coma, she doesn’t have medications, so they have a respirator to breathe (…) She’s stable on her own, her signs are good, and the diagnosis they give us is serious and stable,” he detailed in an interview Thursday afternoon. With Joaquín López-Dóriga for Grupo Fórmula.

nephew Picture of Carmen Salinas He explained that the actress was at home when she fainted, and was immediately taken to the hospital.

“It was a surprising thing. Yesterday (Wednesday) in the afternoon we were recording a series you’re doing, ending the series we went to rest. He saw his novel and then I told him I was leaving my house, it was around 9:00 pm and I left her there.”

The girls said she was in the bedroom, and they went up to see her and found her fade away. We immediately took her to the hospital.”

Carmen Placenciagranddaughter Salinas LozanoHe asked the followers to pray for the health of the actress.

We pray a lot because it’s our life, we’ve all come together to be with her and wait for what’s to happen, but for the sake of being healthy. She said my grandmother was a good woman who worked, helped others and gave love, this is the life of Carmen Salinas. “

Picture of Carmen Salinas She is one of the most loved actresses in Mexican audience For a large variety of Leaves which he played his whole life.

Born in Torreón, Coahuila, in 1939 – according to the official website of Parliament– The actress first appeared in the TV series “Neighborhood(1964).

Later, he became an icon of the so-called Mexican feature cinema for his participation in films such as “The useless life of Beto Perez‘(1970) or being a character curculata employment “beautiful at night“(1975).

Salinas also participated in Political life By linking to Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), for which she was a deputy multi noun From 2015 to 2018.

After going through politics Carmen He went back to soap operas and his business in the entertainment world, and was part of jobs like “My husband has more family“(2019) by Juan Osorio and”My fortune is to love you(2021) which is currently broadcasting on Las Estrellas.

With information from Lopez-Dóriga Digital

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