Coffee exports will grow for the second year in a row Diario Expreso

Coffee exports will grow for the second year in a row Diario Expreso

The head of the Coffee and Cocoa Committee of the Association of Exporters (Adex), Jose Antonio Mejia, said that if coffee prices are maintained, 2021 will be the second year in a row that exports will close with double-digit growth.

Since 2011, when the record was set in shipments (about 1,593 million US dollars), its development was jeopardized by the appearance of rust in 2013. That year it decreased by -32%, then grew by 7% in 2014, and shrank By -19% in 2015, rose by 25% in 2016 and decreased by -7% in 2017, -4% in 2018 and -5% in 2019.

“2020 closed with an increase of 1% ($638 million and $581,000) and this year, if good prices are maintained, we can close with a higher, with the consequent impact on their entire chain that includes several areas of the interior of Country”, Saucepan.

In 2020, he continued, Peru was the ninth largest producer of coffee in the world, surpassed only by Brazil, Vietnam, Colombia, Indonesia, Ethiopia, Honduras, India, Uganda and Mexico, with 2% of the total.

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