Colegio de México and IBERO condemn the accusations against the scientists

Colegio de México and IBERO condemn the accusations against the scientists

Academic and Student Communities Mexico College (Colemix) and Ibeoamerican University Mexico City today expressed support for scientists accused of crimes such as organized crime and condemned the actions of Prosecutor of the Republic (FGR).

“The actions taken by the Public Prosecutor’s Office (FGR) in recent days against 31 people, including academics with a proven track record, are well known to the Mexican public. Overcoming these actions is on the horizon. This time it is not the case,” says the statement from Colmex, which is A public institution, university in nature, dedicated to research and higher education in the social sciences: and the humanities.

Read also: Who are the 31 scientists accused of organized crime by the FGR and Conacyt?

The College of Mexico also indicated that it is a use intended to culminate in the imprisonment of these 31 persons accused of … “organised crime”.
“Those of us who signed this document (faculty, students and former students of El Colegio de México) want to express our disapproval of FGR’s actions and urge it to desist from it,” reads the letter, which continues to collect signatures from the community.

Likewise, they noted, the academic and scientific field of our country has been living under a “raw and uncertain atmosphere” for some time, but with “this grievance we have reached a level that is unacceptable and unimaginable to those of us who share these ‘lines’.”

Read also: National Awards Support Scientists Accused Before FGR

So they say “it is time to leave the academic and scientific community in peace and let it do its work freely”.
For its part, the academic and student community at the Ibero-American University spoke today about the issue and posted a message on social networks sharing with it the concern plaguing the national academic community over the recent accusations made against 31 scholars and scientists. Working scholars from various institutions of higher education.

In the same way, we express our solidarity to demand the application of the rule of law and the establishment of justice in the spirit that should support the democratic life of our country.”

Read also: UNAM Biotechnology Institute Stands in Solidarity with Scientists Accused by FGR and Conacyt

Members of the National Council on Science and Technology (Conacyt) and the Scientific and Technological Advisory Forum (FCCyT), by Conacyt’s own leadership, have been indicted before the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) for four crimes.

However, it was revealed that a judge attached to the Federal Center for Criminal Justice in Almoloya, State of Mexico, flatly refused the FGR to issue arrest warrants for the accused, which the scientific community celebrated.

Although the Prosecutor General’s Office later issued a statement stating that it would again request the arrest warrant, arguing that there was no judgment on the part of the judge.


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