Colombia will settle the situation of one million Venezuelans in 2022 | government | Economie

Colombia will settle the situation of one million Venezuelans in 2022 |  government |  Economie

Colombian President Ivan Duque announced Wednesday in New York that his country will organize one million Venezuelans in the first half of 2022.

(Read: Duque opens the door to settle the situation of one million Venezuelans)

In addition, there are 1.3 million people who received temporary protection status this year, Duque announced at the “Make them visible” event, organized by his country on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly, in which representatives of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United States or Canada participated.

(Read: Venezuelan immigrants can stay up to 10 years in the country without a visa)

“Colombia made the Venezuelan crisis visible and showed brotherhood, but the Venezuelans showed resilience, hope and brotherhood.”Duke said.

(Read: Colombia wants to close 2021 with 1 million rationed Venezuelans)

This protective mechanism is the most important peace gesture in recent Latin American history.He said, according to a statement.

At the event, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Granci, emphasized that “The Venezuelan phenomenon is very complex” and stressed that “integration protection is one of the best forms of protection.”From immigrants.

Edward Stein, the Joint Special Representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the International Organization for Migration, who also participated in the meeting, called on other countries receiving Venezuelan migrants to take action.Like the one he made
Colombia ‘to deliver’ a more effective humanitarian response

During the event, Ambassador Jeffrey DiLaurentis, Senior Special Policy Adviser to the United States, Announced a new contribution of $336 million to address the current humanitarian crisis in Venezuela and the region.

Nearly 5.7 million people have left Venezuela since 2015, according to the Inter-Agency Coordination Platform for Refugees and Migrants in Venezuela (R4V), which was set up within the United Nations in 2018. According to Juan Guaido’s interim government commissioner to the United Nations, Miguel Pizarro warned of The migrant crisis may “escalate to seven million” this year.

France Press agency

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