‘Down with the shackles’: March in Miami to demand freedom for Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela

‘Down with the shackles’: March in Miami to demand freedom for Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela
The aim of the march is to demand “freedom, united by Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela with one voice.”

Several organizations in Miami called for an open-air event this Saturday in support of democracy and freedom in Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela under the theme “Down with Chains” and with famous artists on stage.

The event that will take place Saturday afternoon in Miami’s Bayfront Park is a “call for freedom, united by Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela with one voice”He highlighted the Cuban Resistance Association, a platform for opposition organizations inside and outside Cuba.

Under the slogan “All unite Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua with one voice!”Artists and personalities from the world of music such as Gente de Zona, Willy Chirino, Los 3 de La Habana, Albita, Hansel and Malena Burke.

Miami Mayor Francis Suarez and Commissioner Joe Carullo provided details of the call on Friday.

Carolo explained it The event “will not be a concert or a party” but a demonstration for the freedom of our “oppressed peoples”., as the call poster reads.

During the event, you will only hear songs with “messages of freedom and hope” of the three peoples under authoritarian regimes.

Last week, Suarez said US President Joe Biden’s condemnation of the mass arrests of protesters on the streets of Cuba, as well as recent sanctions, were not enough. “We have also requested access to the Internet (…) and that the president invite the international community to engage the Organization of American States (OAS),” Suarez said at the time during a press conference outside the mayor’s office.

Suarez was in favor of the Biden administration, which is considering all options to put pressure on the Cuban government, without ruling out military action.

Yesterday, a week later The first round of sanctions against the Cuban regime for its brutal crackdown on protesters who took to the streets of the island on July 11, United State The director and deputy director are punished National Revolutionary Police (PNR), an organization he also referred to Treasury Department North American.

The Biden government said that Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) Treasury Ban all property and interests of PNR, as well as its manager, Oscar Callejas’s photoand its deputy director, Eddie mountain rangeprohibit any US citizen, resident or US entity from conducting transactions with them.

Today’s action aims to hold accountable those responsible for the suppression of the Cuban people’s demands for freedom and respect for human rights.OFAC Director Andrea Jacci said he promised to impose new sanctions on those who “facilitate the Cuban regime’s participation in grave abuses”.

Police fight and arrest a protester during a demonstration in Havana, Cuba, on Sunday, July 11, 2021 (AP Photo/Ramón Espinosa)
Police fight and arrest a protester during a demonstration in Havana, Cuba, on Sunday, July 11, 2021 (AP Photo/Ramón Espinosa)

US President Joe Biden confirmed this after the sanctions were announced “Unless there is a drastic change, which I don’t expect, there will be more.” Reprimanded against the Castro regime.

Sanctions are imposed on the basis of the so-called universal law Magnitsky, which is an American legislation that allows the United States to freeze financial assets and Ban on travel for those who violate human rights in any country in the world.

This move shows Biden’s interest in her Toughening its policy towards Cuba In the shadow of this month’s protests, despite the fact that he promised during the election campaign to return to the thaw that the former president had promoted. Barack Obama (2009-2017).

The White House is also evaluating other steps, such as re-allowing remittances to Cuba, which has been prohibited since last November, although it first wants to guarantee these funds.Straight into the hands of the Cuban people‘, he explained to the agency EFE American official.

Another measure that the Biden government is analyzing is moving more staff to the US Embassy in Havana with the goal of “Facilitating diplomatic, consular and civil society participation” as well as for “security” reasons.

The President also directed his government to work with the private sector and Congress to do “more affordableThe Internet in Cuba After cutting off cell phones after the protests.

With information from EFE and AFP

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