Popular consultation, a fundamental democratic practice in Latin America

Popular consultation, a fundamental democratic practice in Latin America

The main promoters of the popular consultation to prosecute political actors of the past, Omar Garcia and Ariadna Bahina; In addition to the federal representative elected by District 3 of Azcapotzalco, Gabriela Jimenez Godoy, led a media association on citizen consultation, with the aim of promoting participation and guiding the population.

The virtual event was attended by more than 250 people from all over the country, where the speakers stated that they will redouble their efforts to achieve the cooperation of 40 percent of the nominal list, that is, more than 37 million citizens, so that this democratic exercise is binding and the process of clarifying the political decisions taken by previous presidents is done.

The MP elected by Morena, Gabriela Jiménez, indicated that the popular consultation will be an exercise of memory, justice and compensation for damages, to ensure that events do not recur and bad officials who have harmed the country are prosecuted.

He emphasized that consultations at the global level are an essential tool for democracy, as European countries such as France, the United Kingdom, Greece and Ireland have developed these mechanisms for citizens to participate in complex and critical issues.

He said Latin America was no exception. For example, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Chile put laws, reforms, and matters of state of paramount importance to their nation for popular vote.

He added that this practice, in addition to allowing and, where appropriate, judging past political actors would also set the necessary historical precedent to avoid improper behavior in the exercise of power.

Meanwhile, Omar Garcia said his work consists of informing and countering the huge buildup of impunity that exists in Mexico.

“In the country, 95 percent of the complaints submitted to the authorities are not accepted due to the discrepancies recorded,” he said.

Mexico City’s Minister for Sexual Diversity, Irazo Diaz, said that citizens’ participation in these democratic exercises is transcendental and dependent on consultation, so that they are being conducted in the country and are increasingly common, with fewer restrictions and in all kinds of topics.

Ariadna Bahina noted the importance of people attending to participate, as such consultations are required to be binding and politicians who have committed inappropriate acts in the past can be prosecuted.

Azcapotzalco 3 local deputy, Emmanuel Vargas Bernal, agreed that it was important for citizens to come on August 1 to express their views at the consultations, whether or not the people agreed to sue the political representatives. He doubted that the INE “has not, as it ought to publish, disseminated such a democratic practice”.

Likewise, the Federal Representative of Nuevo Leon, Berenice Martinez Diaz, called on participants to reflect on the importance of popular consultation, as “it is an opportunity for all Mexican men and women to go after the former presidents who have suffered great harm to Mexico. It is time for justice and it is in our hands.”

Representative from Chiapas, Adriana Bustamante, said her state has historical shortcomings and that residents have been victims of injustice, abuse, discrimination and looting. In this context, he said, local and federal legislators are actively involved to give as much publicity to the advisory.

The assembly also included the intervention of the mayor of Azcapotzalco, Vidal Lerenas, and the deputy of Chiapas, Leonor Coutinho, among other legislators, as well as the interest of neighbors and residents of different regions of the country.


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