Science and Technology Prize Award Ceremony raises controversy – El Sudcaliforniano

Science and Technology Prize Award Ceremony raises controversy – El Sudcaliforniano

La Paz, Baja California Sur. (OEM-Informex). – The Chairman of the Committee on Science and Technology of the House of Representatives Armando Martinez Vega clarified that Congress has nothing to do with the appointment of the State Prize for Science and Technology that was handed over last Thursday, December 9, to researcher at the Center for Biological Research of the Northwest (Sibnur) Enrique Troyo.

Who was appointed as the person responsible for the study by which the Vizcaíno aquifer was split in two in 2009 to create a new one called by CONAGUA Llanos del Berrendo, with which the Minera would have been favored. del Arco, according to what was denounced by deputies from previous legislatures and users of agricultural water in the Vizcaino Valley, who for years opposed this division, because it takes about 9.4 million cubic meters of water, despite the fact that it is the same basin, where there was no availability of liquid bio.

In an interview, Martínez Vega reported that this award was awarded by the Southern California Council on Science and Technology (COSCyT) and that, as a courtesy, they have been invited to an award ceremony to be held in Congress, as a way of recognition from the legislature for the work the institutions are doing on this matter.

The legislator explained that I did not know to whom it would be delivered, and I did not know the name of the winner until two days ago; With all this said, he promised to talk about the matter with the head of COSCyT to explain it: We can’t withdraw this award, he said, while declaring that he would send a “preemptive” to COSCyT so they would be very careful who those are. He added that awards are given to them, regardless of whether they are scientists, for their impeccable behavior.

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He noted that the science and technology award bestowed by the state Congress in previous years had disappeared and predicted that he would seek to revitalize it.

In a separate interview, the Chairman of the Technical Committee of Groundwaters of Vizcaíno (COTAS), Antonino Benedo Orozco, expressed his refusal to hand this award to Enrique Troyo, and declared that this person is not Grata in the region.

Likewise, he asked the State Congress to appeal the request of the inhabitants of that agricultural area of ​​the municipality of Muligi, in order to reverse the division of the El Vizcaíno aquifer and to reimburse the 9.4 million cubic meters of water they took in order to give it. For them, those of Llanos del Berrendo, both divided by the 28th parallel boundary, between Baja California and Baja California Sur.

In an interview on the same topic, the Director of COSCyT, Sarah Cecilia Diaz, stated that she did not participate in the vote to determine the winner among the three candidates nominated for this award, and that a group of 6 evaluators from different institutions decided at the door.Closed, with evaluation criteria based in Fundamental to the academic development and social impact of their research.

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