The Roots Prizes were awarded to Argentinian Scholars living abroad – Telam

The Roots Prizes were awarded to Argentinian Scholars living abroad – Telam

The chancellor’s statement added that no racing prizes have been awarded since 2018.

Counselor Felipe Sol and Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Roberto Salvariza, presided over the racing awards ceremony this Wednesday, with Eight Argentine scholars residing abroad distinguished and contributed to institutional cooperation And the strengthening of the country’s scientific and technological capabilities, it was officially reported.

At the opening of the event, which was held hypothetically, Sol highlighted Argentina’s “established scientific tradition”, with internationally recognized institutions and scientists to train them, and expressed his “admiration for science and technology developers, innovators and researchers, and with the thought that they are born, for their superlative ability to humanize their tasks and respect them.” Each other, “according to a statement from the consultant.

Saul, accompanied by his Chief of Staff, Guillermo Gusto Chaves, and Director General of Consular Affairs, Anna Laura Cachaza, also shed light on “the profession of professionals trained in Argentine public education who are currently working to develop their contribution to knowledge abroad.

The ceremony was also attended by the Minister of Planning and Policies in Science, Technology and Innovation, Diego Hurtado, as well as ambassadors and consuls of the Argentine Republic in each of the jurisdictions in which the eight distinguished scholars reside on this occasion.

For his part, Minister Salvariza said that granting concessions “have paid off debts since 2018, which we want to highlight, because it represents a phase of abandoning the Argentine flag, which does not only mean abandoning investment in this field.” In the twenty-first century, but it was There are also concrete symbolic messages: the disappearance of the Ministry of Science and Technology or the abandonment of such precious initiatives, as the racing program had a symbolic role. “

The chancellor’s statement added that no racing prizes have been awarded since 2018.

“We have prepared and launched the racing program, not only with the return of the new scholars arriving in the country but also thanks for everything that our colleagues from abroad provide,” Salvariza said, adding: “Our country with all its difficulties. In the midst of this epidemic, he gave again again.” The priority of science and technology as an important value for development. “

The Races Prize for Cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation since 2010 is awarded to Argentine researchers and technologists residing abroad, who actively collaborate from the countries in which they are located, with the strengthening of the national system of science, technology and innovation, strengthening the link between Argentine and foreign institutions, for the benefit of capabilities Scientific and technological of our country, “the official information provided.

this time, The honor went to eight scientists and scholars with distinguished positions in various fields of knowledge, who were nominated in 2018, and who have not yet been able to award the award.

The winners

The differences went to Marcelo Sternberg of Tel Aviv University in Israel in the field of environment and climate change. Alejandro de Rey, McGill University of Montreal, Quebec, Canada, in the field of computational sciences of synthetic and biological materials; Edda Lydia Sciutto Conde, from the Biomedical Research Institute, National Autonomous University of Mexico, in the field of immunology and vaccines; Esteban J. Tabak, from New York University, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, in applied mathematics and data analysis, and Jos Edelstein, from the Galician Institute of High Energy Physics and University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, in the field of high-energy theoretical physics.

Plus Horacio de la Iglesia, University of Washington, Seattle, USA in the field of circadian rhythms and sleep; Juan Lucio Jovanna, Director of Extraordinary Degree Research at Inserm, Deputy Director of the Research Center at Cancrologie de Marseille (CRCM), Marseille, France, in the field of pancreatic cancer and Mara Eugenia Cadario from the University of Florida (UF), Gainesville, USA in the field of horse breeding .

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