The Senate stops approving Biden candidates because of their ethnic origin

The Senate stops approving Biden candidates because of their ethnic origin

Washington- The Biden administration has fewer high-ranking government leaders than other presidents at this point in terms of their terms, a pace slowed by the Capitol blockade, accountability, the pandemic, and the Washington Post series of snowstorms.

But the activists who pressed Biden to nominate a diverse government also noted another phenomenon: Many of the president’s candidates of African, Latino, Asian and Native American descent face more political turmoil than their white counterparts, which is prolonged even further. Processing.

The controversy centers on Candidate Nira Tandin, who will be the first Native American to lead the Office of Management and Budget, a generally less prominent position. Her critics, including Democratic Senator Joe Mansheen III of West Virginia, have taken advantage of dozens of direct attacks by Tanden on social media in recent years, a line of criticism that women’s groups say is unfair because it focuses on your tone of voice instead. Of your qualifications or policies.

Activists say the concerns Tanden raised are part of a larger pattern that endangers many of Biden’s non-white candidates, making his confirmation process tougher and more petty than it has been in previous years and compared to their white counterparts. Many of these candidates are likely to move forward on largely partisan grounds, but with their qualifications closely examined and their reputations attacked with more power than their white counterparts, activists say.

“We are concerned about what appears to be a slowdown in the pace and the efforts made to slow down the confirmation process of prominently qualified individuals, and the fact that these candidates are women, African Americans, and sons or daughters of immigrants, and it appears that there is,” said Janet Morgoya, chair of UnidosUS, a group Focuses on Hispanics, a “very disturbing pattern.” “This treatment appears to be a double standard because we see that other departments historically have been able to move much faster.”

Biden has set out to raise a record number of officials from various ethnic backgrounds to the highest positions, placing the majority white Senate in a position where non-white candidates are most likely to be rejected or screened.

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Senate Minority Leader Scott Slovman said Democratic senators voted against female appointments and non-white appointments by Republican presidents. He noted that 41 Democrats voted against former Housing Secretary Ben Carson, who is African-American, and six Democrats voted against former Transportation Secretary Eileen Chau, who is Asian-American.

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