The United Kingdom will apply to join the Trans-Pacific Trade Agreement

The United Kingdom will apply to join the Trans-Pacific Trade Agreement
The UK has said joining the Trans-Pacific Trade Agreement will result in the elimination of tariffs on food and beverages, and on cars. Photo: Reuters

The United Kingdom will formally apply next week to join Trans-Pacific Trade Agreement, Consisting of 11 countries, and then Negotiations will begin later this yearAs reported by the British government.

Since leaving the European Union, The United Kingdom has indicated its desire to join The Comprehensive and Progressive Treaty on Trans-Pacific Cooperation (CPTPP, For its abbreviation in English), which It removes most of the drivers between:

  • Australia
  • Brunei
  • Canada
  • Chile
  • Japan
  • Malaysia
  • Mexico
  • New Zealand
  • Peru
  • Singapore
  • Vietnam

“One year after leaving the European Union, we will establish new partnerships that will bring huge economic benefits to the British.”

Boris Johnson, British Prime Minister

Minister of Commerce United kingdomLiz Truss stated to Radio Times that On Monday, he will deliver the Letter of Intent to abide by the Trans-Pacific Trade Agreement, and he expects formal negotiations to begin in the spring.

Reuters I reported on Thursday that The United Kingdom will not publish an assessment of the economic benefits of TPA membership prior to applying to joinContrary to previous promises.

what mentioned before British government’s economic analysis of Brexit It targeted slight increases in economic output, thanks to additional trade deals.

UK said that joining Trans-Pacific Trade Agreement Abolishing customs duties on food, beverages and cars, While It will help boost the technology and service sectors.

“He asked to be the first new country to join Trans-Pacific Trade Agreement Demonstrates our ambition to do business in the best conditions with our friends and partners around the world, as well as our passionate defense of global free trade.

Boris Johnson, British Prime Minister.

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