The withdrawal of the Ugandan armed forces from the home of the opposition, Bobby Wayne

The withdrawal of the Ugandan armed forces from the home of the opposition, Bobby Wayne

Kampala, Jan.26 (EFE). The Ugandan Armed Forces left the home of opposition leader Bobby Wayne today, a day after the Supreme Court in Kampala ordered the immediate withdrawal of the security apparatus that had been preventing it since January 15, after it had been rejected. Results of the presidential elections held on January 14th.

Wayne said in a statement he made today in his lawn that was picked up by the local Daily Monitor newspaper.

Without giving further details, Wayne also stated that his intention is for Yoweri Museveni, the Ugandan head of state since 1986, to leave the presidency “in less than a year”.

As Judge Michael Elobo ruled on Tuesday, “The indefinite detention of the plaintiff (Wayne) is illegal, and as a result, his personal freedom is violated.”

The Supreme Court’s decision reversed the formal lawsuit that Wayne’s lawyers filed against the Ugandan state last week.

Political spokesman for opposition leader Joel Cignoni said the ruling was “a clear sign of the validity of our claim: the wine was seized against his will.”

“This has been the situation in my house in recent days,” Wayne commented on his Twitter account with a picture of his home flying over it.

“In addition to the army and police around us, military and police helicopters are constantly flying over our headquarters, violating our right to privacy. Coward!”

Early Tuesday at a press conference in Kampala, Ugandan police spokesman Fred Inanga confirmed that the security forces would comply with the judge’s orders, but insisted that they would “continue to monitor” the wine to ensure “no law is broken” and to ensure national security.

On Monday, Wayne denounced in phone statements to Efe that hundreds of soldiers are not allowing anyone to enter or leave their residence, about 15 kilometers north of the Ugandan capital.

Even his legal team or aides were unable to get to the house, despite the fact that his food supplies were about to run out.

On January 16, a police spokesman told Effie that Wayne is not under arrest but that the military is guarding his home “for the safety of the candidate.”

Likewise, one army spokesperson, Colonel Dio Akiki, told Efe that due to Wayne’s special status as a presidential candidate, they should beef up his security and that it was also the reason why no one was allowed to leave or enter. Discount home.

In the January 14 elections, Museveni was re-elected to a sixth term with 58.64% of the vote, while Bobby Wayne received 34.83% of the vote, according to results published by the country’s Electoral Commission.

However, Wayne described this election as “the most fraudulent in Ugandan history” and called on both Ugandans and the international community to reject President Museveni’s victory.

Bobby Wayne, the stage name made famous by Robert Kyagolani, is a very famous country musician who started his political career in 2017 and quickly became one of the voices most critical of the government through revolutionary speech.

For his part, President Museveni does not hesitate to describe Wayne and his supporters as “agents of chaos” that must be fought. The incumbent president remains popular in many rural areas, with many voters continuing to view him as the only person able to run the country. EFE

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