The World Health Organization expects the Coronavirus pandemic in 2021 to be “more deadly”

The World Health Organization expects the Coronavirus pandemic in 2021 to be “more deadly”

The World Health Organization has warned that the coronavirus pandemic is killing more people in its second year than in the first year. He called on the rich countries not to vaccinate their palace and to give those doses to the poor countries, Mired in tragedy, like India, where there is a devastating resurgence of the epidemic.

Covid-19 has killed at least 3.3 million people in the world since the end of December 2019 The emergence of variants, as well as the uneven progress in vaccination campaigns, continues to cause concern.

According to the head of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, “As things continue, The second year of the pandemic will be even more deadly from the beginning “.

He also called on states to Stop vaccinating children and adolescents s Donate doses to the Covax system to distribute to disadvantaged countries.

Meanwhile, many countries in Europe, where the cases have been shifted significantly, Reopen its weak economies.

Like Greece, this day Lift all restrictions on movementAfter seven months in prison, to open the long-awaited tourist season. The only condition now to be able to travel to the country is to be vaccinated or to have a negative Coronavirus test.

“ Restaurants are open, you can go to the beach, take advantage of the good weather, and go shopping. It’s great to be able to get out againSays Caroline Falk, 28-year-old German tourist in Crete.

In Spain, thousands of citizens collapsed roads, especially to go to the beaches, After the end of the months of confinement surrounding.

Italy announced that, Starting Sunday, The quarantine will be suspended for five days for European touristsWhile in Portugal, hundreds of British tourists are expected to start starting Monday after the UK has included this country in the “green list” of countries and territories whose citizens can travel to without having to quarantine upon their return.

The lifting of restrictions will also allow English fans to travel to Porto on May 29th Attend the Champions League FinalDisputed between Chelsea and Manchester City.

While that, Japan extended the state of emergency, Which affected ten divisions, three more due to the escalation of cases, ten weeks after the opening of the Olympics.

In this sense, tennis player Roger Federer He stated that athletes “need a firm decision” about whether or not to hold the GamesAnd said he would fully understand if the event, which was already postponed last year, was canceled.

“You don’t hear much, which makes me think the games will take place, though I’ve heard that a lot of people in Tokyo are against the Games“He told Lehmann Blue, the Swiss television station.

The Indian alternative continues to spread in the UK: Boris Johnson

England is preparing for a new phase with the reopening of museums, hotels and stadiums on May 17th, Thanks to the net decrease in the number of COVID-19 casesAfter a long detention and vaccination campaign.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson However, he warned that the Indian variant threatens to derail the lack of refinement and continues to spreadAfter an alarming increase in some areas, particularly in northwest London.

For this reason, the authorities decided to embark on an expedited detection campaign.

For its part, France announced that travelers from four new countries – Colombia, Bahrain, Costa Rica and Uruguay – They will have to go into quarantine for 10 days starting Sunday.

In India, it was soaked A devastating wave of the epidemicVaccination with Russian Sputnik V began today in that country of 1.3 billion people.

After India’s major cities plunged into chaos – due to lack of medicine, oxygen and beds for the sick – Coronavirus continues to devastate rural areas that lack infrastructure.

The dead are buried or left in rivers, while the sick try to treat themselves with home remedies. In the last days, One hundred corpses were thrown into the Ganges, For fear of a catastrophic situation as in other places.

“They let people die,” Kidway Ahmed said France Press agency From his village Sadullahpur in Uttar Pradesh.

In Colombia, the mayor of Bogotá, Claudia Lopez, It contracted covid-19 in the middle of a third wave in the country Who lives mass protests against the government of Ivan Duque.


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