Teacher insults student for not using mouthguards in the United States

Teacher insults student for not using mouthguards in the United States
The teacher rushed towards the student, who was not wearing a mask. Photo: Agence France-Presse (caption).

a professor from High school in a city Pointe, On WisconsinAnd the United State, Threw himself against studentWho refused to use it face mask On the pretext that he was “already vaccinated” against him Coronavirus (COVID-19).

The Video It was recorded by a colleague of the student in question, who witnessed insults professor for him student Who was not wearing face mask.

In the Sign Up The young man is seen sitting on the ground College, While the Teacher, Which has not been specified, it is called “Foolish e Lack of respect By endangering the lives of others by not wearing a mask. “

“I don’t care if you get vaccinated, idiot! I don’t want to get sick and die. There are other people you can infect … You know what? You are not a person … you are an idiot”,

He heard the educator say that he is clearly upset.

Followed by the above, then High school teacher Urges student To show “respect” towards peers using face maskAnd the young man answers to him that he always had him.

After detecting a file Sign Up On Social media How The social networking site Facebook s Twitter, Responsible for Pointe areaMatthew Chappelle, pointed out that professor She was released from the hospital as the investigations into her behavior ended.

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