They have committed more than $270 million to 43 science and technology projects

They have committed more than 0 million to 43 science and technology projects

The board of directors of the R+D+i agency, a body in the orbit of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, at its last meeting in February approved 1,676 science, technology and innovation projects distributed across the country for the total amount $13,809,414,423.

In the case of Mendoza County, a total amount of 272,598,294 pesos has been approved for 43 new projects and to update quantities of science and technology initiatives from previous years.

Through the Fund for Scientific and Technological Research (FONCYT), 42 PICT 2021 scholarships have been awarded to universities and scientific institutions, for $174,428,653. To develop scientific research in various fields of knowledge.

In addition, funding has been approved $20,469,414 To implement an artificial intelligence (AI) model for the comprehensive diagnosis of epilepsy that will improve clinical times and measures for each patient. This development will be launched by HEMA SAS

Fernando Pierano toured the companies in Córdoba that work with the R+D+i agency for technology development and innovation. (Courtesy of R+D+i Agency)

Contributions in the amount of $77 700 227 were approved to update the amounts of the Scientific and Technological Research Fund.

For this government, the decision to invest in science and technology is a priority, even in the context of difficulties. We are doing this to have a more inclusive, federal and sovereign development model. Nasio’s Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation said the agency’s actions are an effective way to achieve this.N, Daniel Filmos.

For his part, the head of the agency said, Fernando Pierano He noted that: “This award confirms the full recovery of the agency, which has led to an increase in the volume of projects, increased funds and has been able to implement organizational changes” and concluded: “We have a broader and stronger promotion system compared to the initial situation of the agency.” management, even if it is compared to the past decade.

About the R+D+i Agency (National Agency for the Promotion of Research, Technological Development and Innovation)

It is a decentralized national body with administrative and functional autonomy, operating under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of the Argentine Nation (MINCyT).

Its aim is to enhance capacities and create rights through scientific research, technological development and knowledge generation from various innovation processes.

Promotes and finances beneficiary-focused tools and the following actors: SMEs, researchers, entrepreneurs, technology-based companies and scholarship holders in the training process

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