Video: Australian TV station mistakenly broadcasts satanic weather

Video: Australian TV station mistakenly broadcasts satanic weather

At the moment, the channel ABC She did not comment on the matter, and it is not known how the photography came between its materials.

Mexico City, August 21 (RT). – As part of one of its daily newsletters, Australian Television Network ABC accidentally spread a satanic rituals. The slip has already spread to the networks.

The clip showing what happened begins with the words of presenter Yvonne Young, who presents as the subject of a proposal seeking in Queensland to criminalize the intentional killing and injury of police dogs and horses. Then there is a pause and men in suits appear on the screen.

Next, he cuts the transmission and jumps into what appears to be a demonic ritual, where a person in a black cloak announces “Peace be upon you, Satan!” Near the cross is lit upside down. Then the broadcast returns to normal and the presenter continues another story as if nothing had happened.

At the moment, the channel has not commented on the matter and it is not known how this scene slipped into its material.

For their part, network users indicated that the perpetrators of these demonic acts might belong to the local congregation of the Noosa Devil Temple. Thus, in the Facebook account of that group there is a similar recording, which dates back to October 30 last year. This association recently appeared on the radar of local media, in connection with its attempt to obtain approval from the government to teach religious classes in schools, reportedly. Brisbane Times.

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