A woman enters the Ugandan Parliament to denounce the death of her son during an anti-government protest

A woman enters the Ugandan Parliament to denounce the death of her son during an anti-government protest

Police shot the 15-year-old boy in November 2020 in Kampala

Madrid, April 12. (Europe Press) –

A woman stormed the Ugandan Parliament today, Monday, to demand a meeting with the organization’s president, Rebecca Kadaga, to kill her 15-year-old son during the suppression of protests that erupted in November 2020. In the capital, Kampala, against the background of the arrest of opposition leader Robert Kyagolani.

Ms. Hajara Nakito indicated that her son, Amos Segawa, was one of more than 50 killed in the suppression of the demonstrations and denounced the police failure to respond to her demands or resolve her situation.

Nakito entered the facility with his twelve-year-old daughter holding signs that read “We need justice.” The police killed him. Rest in peace, Segawa Amos, as reported by the Ugandan “Daily Monitor” newspaper.

Thus, he was told that his son had died after being shot while on their way home. “I didn’t get justice because the police didn’t help me. I spent everything I had to try to get justice. I will sit in parliament until I see the president,” he said.

The teenager was shot in the face and died shortly thereafter in a Kampala hospital. The family filed a complaint with the Ugandan Human Rights Commission, but Nakito stressed that the authorities did not respond to their situation and did not hold accountable those responsible for their son’s death.

The arrest of Kyagulanyi, known as Bobi Wine during an election rally, sparked widespread protests that were met with severe repression by the security forces. The opponent denounced fraud in the elections held at a later time, in which President Yoweri Museveni won a sixth term.

Uganda’s political crisis has been exacerbated by allegations of electoral fraud by Bobby Wayne, who has presented himself as the main competitor to Museveni, who has led the country since 1986 and who has gone to the polls after a series of constitutional amendments.

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