Akon is looking for job opportunities in Uganda

Akon is looking for job opportunities in Uganda

Akon stressed the importance of a unified and prosperous African continent.

Eddie Kenzo Akon welcomed

Musician Akon has toured Uganda for the past two days. No, it is not in the country for fun, but as part of a three-day business trip. He was received in the country by the Presidential Chief Adviser for Expatriate Affairs, musician Eddie Kenzo, and officials from the Ugandan Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Tourism Board. On Friday, President Yoweri Museveni met at his home in Roakitora to discuss potential business opportunities.

The Senegalese-American was accompanied by his wife during the meeting, where he showed interest in the energy sectors, mining development, tourism and infrastructure development. Museveni praised Akon’s interest and praised his efforts to invest in Africa. “Akon and his wife came to Uganda looking for job opportunities in various sectors, such as energy, tourism and infrastructure development. I am delighted to participate in such a debate that will raise the bar for our peoples and Africa as a whole.“, He said.

President Yoweri Museveni is in talks with Akon

Blockbuster song maker “Lonely” has another big investment in Senegal called “Akon City”. Akon City is a $ 6 billion project that will transform a 2,000-acre smart city into life and work. Its construction is scheduled to begin next year.

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