Because of climate change, an environmental catastrophe in Africa by 2030: the United Nations

Because of climate change, an environmental catastrophe in Africa by 2030: the United Nations

The United Nations has warned that the increase in meteorological and climate variability, caused by climate change, will lead to a devastating crisis in the economic, environmental and social systems of Africa in 2030.

He noted that climate change has become the driver behind the impending global crises. This is due to rising temperatures and extreme meteorological phenomena that harm the population, by contributing to the gradual food crisis, forced displacement and poverty.

Josefa Leonel, Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture of the African Union Commission, explained that a report – prepared by the World Meteorological Congress – revealed that in Africa a complete elimination of ice is expected from the only three African glaciers: Mount Kenya (Kenya), Rwenzori Mountains (Uganda) and Mt. Kilimanjaro (United Republic of Tanzania).

Another consequence of climate change is a 3 percent drop in gross domestic product in the next nine years. Furthermore, “It is estimated that up to 118 million people live in extreme poverty […] They will be exposed to droughts, floods and extreme heat in Africa, stressed Josefa Lionel.

On the other hand, the report noted that “2020 was between the third and eighth warmest year in Africa.” Sea level has risen along the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea at a rate lower than the global average, and food insecurity has grown by 5-20 percent with each flood or drought in sub-Saharan Africa.

He also noted that droughts are intensifying on the northern coast of the Gulf of Guinea, in northwest Africa and along the southeast of the continent, and that more than 1.2 million new displacements are linked to natural disasters.

Faced with this situation, the United Nations has requested investments by leaders from around the world to develop hydrometeorological infrastructure and early warning systems, to monitor weather, water and climate. This is, in order to have preventive measures, resources and supplies that make it possible to meet the future needs of people affected by the destruction and reduce the likelihood of food insecurity by 30 percent.

Likewise, he urged maintaining the commitment to pursue necessary measures that contribute to reducing the impact of global warming and promoting climate adaptation.

Finally, the United Nations noted that “the implementation of the common priorities indicated in the African Union Environmental Recovery Action Plan would contribute to the sustainable environmental recovery of the continent.”

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