Chad’s president dies in combat hours after confirming his election victory – El Financiero

Chad’s president dies in combat hours after confirming his election victory – El Financiero

Chadian President Idriss Deby Itno, who ruled the central African country For more than three decadesThe army announced, on national television and radio, that it had been killed Tuesday on the battlefield in the fight against the rebels.

Mohamed Idriss Déby Itno, Déby’s 37-year-old son, added that an 18-month transitional council will also impose a curfew from 18:00 local time.

The surprise announcement came just hours after election officials declared Déby the winner of the April 11th presidential election, paving the way for him to stay in power for another six years.

The circumstances of Déby’s death could not be independently confirmed right away Because of the remote location of the battlefield. It is not known why the president visited the front in northern Chad, or participated in the ongoing clashes with the rebels opposed to his rule.

Debbie, former Commander-in-Chief of the Army, He first came to power in 1990 When his rebel forces ousted then-president Hissène Habré, who was later convicted of human rights violations in an international court in Senegal.

Over the years, Déby survived many armed revolts And he managed to stay in power until the recent rebellion led by a group calling itself the Front for Change and Reconciliation in Chad.

The rebels are believed to have armed and trained in neighboring Libya before crossing into northern Chad on April 11th. His arrival came on the same day that the president of Chad was seeking a sixth term on election day, Boycotted by many of the main opposition candidates.

Déby was a key French ally in the war against Islamic extremism in Africa, hosting the French military base of Operation Barkhane and providing important forces for peacekeeping efforts in northern Mali.

Déby’s son, Mohamed, served as the senior commander of the Chadian forces involved in this effort.

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