China protests US law restricting imports, accusing it of ignoring facts

China protests US law restricting imports, accusing it of ignoring facts

On Thursday, US President Joe Biden signed a file A law bans the entry of a wide range of products from the Xinjiang Autonomous Region, in the northwest of the country, and provides for penalties for officials in that Chinese territory.

“This document ignores the facts, intentionally distorts the human rights situation in Xinjiang, seriously violates international law and the basic norms of international relations, and in and of itself represents a flagrant interference in China’s internal affairs.” The Chinese Foreign Ministry announced, according to Sputnik news agency.

“We urge the United States to immediately correct its mistakes and stop using Xinjiang-related affairs to spread lies, interfere in China’s internal affairs and try to stop the country’s development.” Chancellery added.

A group of Western countries accuse Beijing of holding the Uyghurs, a predominantly Muslim and Turkish-speaking community in western China, in large labor camps.

The US authorities emphasized that the Chinese approach to the Uyghurs could be classified as “genocide”. Beijing categorically rejected the accusation.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry has identified that the United States has used Xinjiang on more than one occasion to fabricate rumors and stir up incidents and – under the pretext of ensuring human rights – has engaged in political manipulation and economic persecution, in an effort to undermine and stem the stability and prosperity of Xinjiang. China’s development.

“We want to stress once again that Xinjiang is an exclusive internal affair of China,” he said. State Department highlighted.

Text added it The determination of the Chinese government and people to defend their national sovereignty, security and development interests is unwavering.”

In addition, warn that Beijing will react to the development of the situation.

The law, which went into effect yesterday after Biden was signed, was unanimously approved by the Senate on December 16.

Upon signing the text, the president thanked Republican Senator from Florida Marco Rubio, one of the bill’s authors.

The rule was adopted despite a lobbying campaign by companies that argued the measure would hamper global supply chains, which are already under severe pressure from the coronavirus pandemic.

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