Cumbre Vega volcano: A month after its first eruption, experts “do not expect” its activity to end

Cumbre Vega volcano: A month after its first eruption, experts “do not expect” its activity to end
is fulfillment Month this volcano old summit The explosions began. It is believed that the end of their activity is not near. Photo: Reuters.

Citizens expelled from their homes, an airport that does not work and there is no tourism in it, some balances The most relevant one left by the eruption from the volcano old summit, in the La Palma de Canarias archipelago, Spain, a Month start its activity.

Angel Victor Torres, head of the government of the Canary Islands, said that there are no signs of an end to the eruption old summit imminent,”Although this is the greatest wish For everyone “; Month After the authorities were put on alert, the chaos continued.

Month without a truce

  • On Sunday, the island witnessed 42 seismic movements
  • The largest, by volume 4.3, according to Spain’s National Geographic Institute

Lava flows have destroyed more than 742 hectares of land and destroyed nearly 2,000 buildings in La Palma since old summit It erupted on September 19. near Seven thousand people left Houses in the Canary Islands archipelago, off northwest Africa.

a Month Since the first eruption, airlines have not restarted their activities at the local airport, due to ash. Photo: Reuters.

Maria José Blanco, spokeswoman for the Volcanic Emergency Plan for the Canary Islands (Pivolca), explained that the level of sulfur dioxide (SO2) expelled by the volcano old summit “Don’t make us We see that the end of the eruption was in the short or medium term”, after Month of intense activity.

a old summit very active

  • This phenomenon did not result in deaths
  • But it covered hectares of plants, animals and human settlements

On Sunday, planes did not fly to and from the Canary island of La Palma, due to the ash expelled by the volcano. old summit. Airlines canceled 38 scheduled flights, Many of them are from other islands The Atlantic archipelago in front of Morocco, pointed to the domestic airport.

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