Delta dominates the US, although authorities expect Omicron to expand further

Delta dominates the US, although authorities expect Omicron to expand further

the delta variable It is still prevalent in United State It accounts for 96 percent of cases COVID-19 in the country, compared to 3 percent omicron and 1 percent of the other mutations, although health authorities expect the second mutation to continue expanding in the coming weeks.

Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Center for Disease Control, In English), Rochelle WalinskyHe confirmed in a press conference that there are parts of the United States where the proportion of omicron cases is high, such as New York and New Jersey, where it reaches 13 percent.

Looking at preliminary data on oomicron infection in other countries, we expect to see that the proportion of oomicron cases here, in the United States, will continue to grow in the coming weeks,” Walinsky said, adding that this variant has been detected in less than 36 states in country.

During the press conference of the White House Task Force on the Epidemic, experts insisted on the importance of vaccinations and receiving the booster dose.

We’ve said you should be vaccinated, you should receive a booster, especially with the data showing that the booster is really helpful with both Delta and Omicron,” said the CDC director, who emphasized other measures that should not be forgotten.

Walensky considered that we should continue to wear a face mask indoors, indoors should be ventilated, and we should maintain social distance and wash hands.

White House COVID-19 Task Force Coordinator, Jeff ZentsHe also indicated that the United States would not shut down its economy again if HIV infections increased.

“We will keep schools and businesses open,” he settled.

The United States, the country hardest hit by the pandemic, passed 800,000 deaths from COVID-19 on Tuesday and has already recorded more than 50 million infections.

With information from EFE

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