Economy opens Invest in Mexico platform to attract foreign direct investment

Economy opens Invest in Mexico platform to attract foreign direct investment

The Ministry of Economy on Tuesday introduced Invest in Mexico, a non-binding digital platform to attract attention to investors.

In general, the platform aims to provide investors with executive content, strategic statistical information, specialized advice and links with institutions responsible for the actions necessary for investment, in addition to serving as a direct contact with those responsible for promoting and attracting foreigners. investment.

In Mexico, approximately 20 actions are required to make an investment, although this has important differences depending on the project in question, with complications more frequent in cases related to construction or associated with municipal authorities.

The launch of the platform was led by the Minister of Economy, Tatiana Clotheer, along with the Undersecretary for Foreign Trade, Luz Maria de la Mora, and the head of the Global Economic Intelligence Unit, Monica Duhem.

In addition, representatives of business chambers, embassies and the Federal Public Administration attended. Clotheer commented that investing in Mexico is one of the other efforts of the Government of Mexico to embed economic promotion policies in the digital environment, and complements the strategies related to the transfer of investments in our country. He pointed out that through this platform, it is expected to serve in a more direct way companies interested in expanding their investments in various regions of the country.

La plataforma Invest in Mexico ( in both English and Spanish, and will operate permanently to meet the needs of investors.

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