England plans to check the traffic lights this week and make some changes

England plans to check the traffic lights this week and make some changes

Although following the pattern of reviewing the traffic light every three weeks, any change will be touched on August 4, England plans to review the green, amber and red colors this week relax restrictions imposed on international travel. This was reported by some English media, including the Financial Times, from sources close to Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

One of the changes that the Ministry of Transport may decide this week could refer to Vaccinated tourists Of the many countries that, at the moment, are still closing the doors of the United Kingdom.

Apparently, the government is determined to Check system operation “Before this Saturday,” and opening the country to international tourism, at least to vaccinated visitors, would be one of the goals. Let’s remember it at this moment Nor are British nationals vaccinated abroad They can enter without restrictions, as they have to undergo a 10-day quarantine and have two PCR reports.

The United Kingdom has not opened borders to any country, neither to its European neighbors nor to the United States

Another objective of this “imminent” review, according to sources, is Delete the so-called “Amber Plus” list, which was explicitly created for France It is currently the only country in it. When on July 19 England eased entry requirements for immune travelers returning from amber countries, such as Spain, it kept the exception for France, and therefore those who returned to England from any French destination had to continue the mandatory quarantine, as we in England have exempted France and maintains Quarantine for vaccination.

Additionally, according to the analyst Paul Charles, the The list of countries can be expanded in green Significantly to other European countries such as Austria, Bosnia, Italy, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania and some other countries, which have a low percentage and which should be in the green list for a long time.

More flexibility finally?

Sources do not rule out other changes aimed at creating greater flexibility for international travel and therefore trust back For both consumers and businesses. For example, one of the requirements that broad social and business sectors ask to cancel PCR test is required for those who return from countries in green. These travelers must meet the same requirements as those who are doubly vaccinated and return from countries in amber.

Another important change that will favor travelers from European Union countries and the United States. In fact, the US maintains the same semi-iron lockdown policy as the UK, not allowing recreational trips or into its neighbor Canada, which will reopen the common border from August 9.

while, In the European Union, flights have been open since the beginning of the summer, with restrictions that harden or soften the incidence of virus infection data, but that does not close the possibility of international travel.

According to the Financial Times, part of the sector is confident that the government Exceptions will expand ‘soon’ to isolation, which further opens up the field of international travel.

At this time, the cumulative incidence of cases in the UK is 875,31 New cases per 100,000 residents within 14 days, according to Datosmacro de Expansión, one of the highest confirmed rates. However, the number of new cases has been declining for six consecutive days.

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