Fernandez receives the Argentine Economy Minister after his visit to the United States.

Fernandez receives the Argentine Economy Minister after his visit to the United States.
This content was published on Sep 13, 2022 – 21:22

Buenos Aires, September 13 (EFE). – The President of Argentina, Alberto Fernandez, met this Tuesday with the Argentine Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, to assess the results of the recent trip of the head of the economic portfolio to the United States. Official sources reported.

As reported by the Argentine presidency, the head of state and Massa analyzed the minister’s business meetings with US government officials, including Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, and meetings with investors and businessmen from the United States.

Massa, who traveled to the United States on the 5th of the month and returned to Argentina on Tuesday, also told the president about “progress in negotiations” with international credit organizations.

Among other things, Massa, who took over the position of Minister of Economy at the beginning of last August, met with Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, Kristalina Georgieva, and President of the Inter-American Development Bank, Mauricio Claver-Caroni.

On Monday, Massa described his meeting with Georgieva as “excellent”, with whom he analyzed progress in the refinancing agreement concluded last March between Argentina and the IMF, which includes quarterly reviews of the hacked fiscal, monetary and foreign exchange targets. South American country.

For her part, Georgieva acknowledged in a statement the “strong steps” taken by the Argentine government to stabilize the markets and reverse the “high volatility” scenario.

The goals of reducing the primary deficit, reducing cash assistance to the Treasury, and accumulating cash reserves earmarked for the International Monetary Fund are a major challenge for Argentina, which is now focused on increasing dollar income through exports, investments and credits from multilateral organizations. .

In this scenario, and within the framework of Massa’s visit to the United States, the World Bank announced last week that it would disburse a loan of $900 million to Argentina in the next six months, while the Inter-American Development Bank announced financing. A package for the South American country worth $4,933 million to be disbursed between 2022 and 2023. EFE

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