Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador: Hunger quadrupled in an epidemic year

Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador: Hunger quadrupled in an epidemic year

First amendment:

The number of people suffering from food insecurity in the so-called Northern Triangle of Central America has risen to eight million in just one epidemic year, according to data from the United Nations World Food Program.

“We have to act.” This was the conclusion of World Food Program Executive Director David Beasley, after returning to Washington from a tour of the countries of the Northern Triangle in Central America, which includes Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.

He was specifically referring to the dramatic numbers of food insecurity that have worsened with the epidemic: a year ago, this region had two million people in this state and today there are more than eight million.

“The number of people, as we say, heading towards hunger has quadrupled in just one year,” the Executive Director of the United Nations Agency said on Wednesday, April 21, 2021.

David Beasley added that if nothing was done to feed and care for Central America, “you could see millions heading to the borders of the United States.”

In fact, the World Food Program recently conducted a survey of Central American communities and found that the number of people who said they would be willing to immigrate to the United States increased from 7-8 percent to 15-16 percent, due to the humanitarian situation. Face.

He concluded, “15 percent of 39 million[سكان هذه المنطقة]They are a lot of people. “

With AP

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