Heir to the last Romanov tsar of Russia marries Saint Petersburg

Heir to the last Romanov tsar of Russia marries Saint Petersburg

Georgy Romanov, Heir to the last tsar of Russia, executed him Bolsheviks, got married on Friday in St Petersburg In the presence of many kings of Europe.

Grand Duke Georgy Romanov, 40 years old, Contrego with Italian Rebecca Pettarini, 39 years old.

The celebration was held at Saint Isaac’s Cathedral, in the heart of the former imperial capital, in the northwest of the country.

During the ceremony, the couple advanced through the temple, each holding a candle, behind two priests wearing golden mantles, according to an AFP photographer present at the scene.

Tsar’s heir b soft gray beard, wearing a black suit and yellow jacket, while his fiancée wore a long white dress with the emblems of the Russian Empire embroidered with gold.

many of Young women and girls, who was dressed in traditional Russian costumes, helped the fiancé get her dress on.

According to Orthodox tradition, they put a crown on the future husband and wife.

According to the organizers, there were about 1,500 guests, including Honorary Queen Sofia of Spain, deposed King Simeon II of Bulgaria and his wife Margaret, Princess Leia of Belgium, and other representatives of European royal families.

Prime Minister of Luxembourg, Xavier Bettel, y su marido, Gauthier Destenay, as well as a spokeswoman for Russian diplomacy, Maria Zagarova.

A spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin told reporters that the president “did not plan to congratulate the young couple.” “This wedding is not on our agenda,” said Dmitry Peskov.

Galina Bobrova, Una St. Petersburg’s neighbour, On Friday morning he went up to St. Isaac’s Cathedral to see the Tsar’s heir and his fiancée.

I wish you all happy. Obviously, the monarchy is part of our past, but I find it very interesting.”

The last wedding in Russia of a member of the Romanov family was the wedding of Tsar Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra, 127 years ago.

History of Russia

Georgi Romanov was born in Madrid and graduated in Oxford, he is the son of Grand Duchess Maria Romanova, granddaughter of Grand Duke Kirill.

The latter was the cousin of Nicholas II, the last tsar of the Romanov dynasty, who ruled for more than 300 years in Russia until the February Revolution of 1917.

The Bolsheviks captured and shot the deposed king a year later in the Urals with his wife, Empress Alexandra, their four daughters, and their son.

They were buried for a long time in a place kept secret by Soviet power, and in 1998 their remains were transferred to St. Petersburg Cathedral.

she was Canonized in 2000 by the Orthodox Church Russian and officially recognized in 2008 as victims of Bolshevik justice.

Grand Duke Georgi Romanov met his fiancée in Brussels, both of whom work in European institutions.

Rebecca Petarini, the daughter of a diplomat, converted to the Orthodox religion and was renamed Victoria Romanovna.

The Grand Duke, who has been in Moscow for three years, near the Kremlin, assures that he is engaged in charitable projects.

In an interview with Half Russian Fontanka, which was released Wednesday, explained that she chose to marry in St Petersburg for “many reasons”.

This city, according to him, represents “the history of Russia, the history of the Romanov House.”


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