This is the safest city in the world … Mexico City is getting worse – El Financiero

This is the safest city in the world … Mexico City is getting worse – El Financiero

For a few years The Economist It published its index of the safest cities in the world. This study analyzes 60 cities through 76 different indicators.

The indicators cover various aspects of security such as digital, health, infrastructure, employees, and for the first time this year, environmental security has been added.

The first place in 2021 went to Copenhagen, Denmark, with the Punctuation Out of 82.4, second place went to Canada with Toronto scoring 82.2 points, while third place with 80.7 went to the city of Singapore in Singapore.

Apart from these three cities, the Top 10 It consisted of Sydney 80.1, Tokyo 80, Amsterdam 79.3, Wellington 79, Hong Kong 78.6, Melbourne 78.6 and Stockholm 78.

On the other hand, Mexico City You find 42nd with a score of 60.3. Our city impacted the rankings, dropping two places compared to the last 2019 study.

In 2019 CDMX received a score of 60.6 and was ranked 40th within index. The Mexican capital’s ratings that year were 61.5 in infrastructure, 58.4 in digital security, 62.3 in people, and 64.1 in health.

On the other hand, in 2021, CDMX acquired Reviews 62.1 in infrastructure, 57.2 in digital security, 52.5 in people, 57.4 in health, and finally, in the new category of environmental security, it received a score of 72.1.

Since 2017, we can see how Mexico City has come back year after year, from 39th to 40th in 2019, to this year at last. Back Two more places and remain in position 42.

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