Japan posted a trade deficit of $ 2.49 billion in February

Japan posted a trade deficit of $ 2.49 billion in February

EFE.- Japan recorded a trade deficit 271381 million yen ($ 2.49 billion) [mdd]), The government reported this Wednesday.

Positive balance is 80.5% less than that recorded in the same month in 2020But it contrasts with a deficit of 325.375 million yen ($ 2.98 billion) in January, according to data released by Japan’s Finance Ministry.

Japanese exports fell 4.5% year-on-year in the second month of the year to 6.04 trillion yen ($ 55.38 billion).

The Imports increased by 11.8%, It is 5.82 trillion yen ($ 53.39 billion).

Read: Japan’s analysis of foreigners being banned from entering the Olympics

By country, Japan and China, its largest trading partner, recorded a deficit of 271.582 billion yen ($ 2.49 billion), compared to the surplus recorded in the previous year.

With the world’s leading economy and its second trading partner, United State, The Asian country earned a surplus of 472,669 million yen ($ 4,330 million), which is 24.5% lower year-on-year.

With th European Union, The third trading partner posted a deficit of 40.210 million yen ($ 369 million), up 124.9% from the negative balance recorded in February 2020.

With BrazilThe Asian country reduced its deficit by 55.2% to 26650 million yen ($ 244 million), while in the case of negative balance with Chile, its deficit decreased by 24.6% to 56,897 million yen ($ 521 million).

Japan is registered in Mexico A surplus of 54,232 million yen, up 44.4% year-on-year.

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