John Kerry, US Representative, Defends Wind and Solar Energy Against AMLO – El Financiero

John Kerry, US Representative, Defends Wind and Solar Energy Against AMLO – El Financiero

US Special Presidential Climate Envoy John Kerry defended wind and solar power on Monday before President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, whose proposal for electricity reform was chosen to cut clean energy.

“Taking action in all sectors of the economy and transitioning to a zero-emissions economy provides opportunities and is the best for our lives,” Kerry said at an event with Lopez Obrador and senior Mexican officials in Palenque, Chiapas.

President Joe Biden’s special envoy emphasized that the transition to a clean economy represented “a greater change than the Industrial Revolution.”

He stressed that the jobs that have grown the most in recent years in the US are “wind energy and solar panel technicians”.

“Scientists have told us without a doubt that if you want to limit warming, if you want zero emissions by 2050, you have to reduce it between 2020 and 2030,” he warned.

On Monday, Kerry visited Mexico as a guest of Lopez Obrador, who showed him the operation of the Sembrando Vida, a government plan that provides 5,000 pesos a month to farmers who plant trees on their land.

“We recognize that halting deforestation and saving the ecosystem is essential,” Kerry said, praising that Lopez Obrador’s government is “attentive to that.”

The US official stressed that the Simbrando Vida program is “a symbol of Mexico’s leadership at times when action on climate change is necessary.”

Mexico is exporting the Sembrando Vida to many Central American countries to develop the region and reduce forced migration, and has asked the United States government to support it.

President Biden thanked Lopez Obrador a few days ago in a letter for the “financing and implementation” of the program in Central America, and pledged to increase American “investment” in the region.

Kerry arrives in Mexico in a full blown controversy over Lopez Obrador’s proposal for an electricity reform, which according to entrepreneurs and environmental scientists comes down to clean energy.

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