La Jornada – US agency investigating steering wheel malfunctions in Honda Accord cars

La Jornada – US agency investigating steering wheel malfunctions in Honda Accord cars

Washington. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) said Monday it has opened an official investigation into more than 1.1 million Honda agreements due to reports of a sudden loss of steering wheel control.

The agency indicated that the engineering analysis covers models from 2013 to 2015 and that “under normal driving conditions, without warning or maneuvering by the driver, the vehicle can deviate or veer from the road.”

Honda did not comment immediately. The NHTSA said it had received 107 complaints and two injuries related to the matter.

The NHTSA received a request for an investigation in October into an alleged malfunction of the steering system in 2013 Honda Accord cars. The petition alleged that Honda vehicles “suffer a sudden loss of steering control causing the vehicle to deviate from the planned lane”.

“Deviation from the intended travel path occurs without prior warning or driver intervention while the vehicle is operating under normal driving conditions,” NHTSA added.

In view of the above, the agency opened a review to request the defect and sent two requests to Honda for information about anomalies in the direction of Honda Accord cars.

He pointed out that a comprehensive analysis was performed “on the information obtained from Honda, as well as the information contained in the NHTSA databases.”

The engineering analysis will assess the range, frequency, and potential safety related consequences of the suspected defect.

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