Manfred and the ex-mayor collided on the local “latidos”, but without evidence بدون

Manfred and the ex-mayor collided on the local “latidos”, but without evidence بدون

The mayor of Cochabamba, Manfred Reyes Villa, and former mayor Fernando Vargas accused each other yesterday of returning the sound equipment of the nightclub “Latidos”.

The municipality said he fired Vargas because he lied and was blackmailed.

“It wasn’t Linocenia, it was a normal disco with all the permits in it, it was pointed out that she met all the requirements, and she paid the fine so she could be returned,” he said.

However, the municipal executive director did not provide any documents about this act nor evidence of the alleged extortion case.

“He lied to me, he told me, ‘No, I’ve already returned it, and what he asked of the Lord was to tell the mayor it had already been returned, but he wanted the equipment as a donation,'” Reyes Villa asserted.

Vargas asserted that he walked away due to pressure to prefer a sucker and asked the complainant to prove the offending charges.

The former mayor showed photographs in which the complainant and the alleged owner of the building had entered the Directorate of Ethics and Public Events to meet with the official, Sergeant Rosemary Corrales. He was also seen checking the municipality’s computers and walking with the official.

The intervention could have taken place a month earlier, but the participants have not yet announced the minutes.

The Secretary-General, Franz Knaud, said that for the case, three officials had already been dismissed and the administration would be re-engineered.

Neighbors claim violations

Neighbors of Calle 16 de Julio denounced that the local “latidos” had consistently violated pandemic restrictions by Covid-19 by allowing alcohol to be consumed and attendance outside the designated hours, which they repeatedly reported to the police.

On a tour this media found that the place is located in the heart of the city. Some neighbors noted that he comes in the afternoon and that he rarely shows a sign identifying himself. Others stated that it was apparently closed, because the house they rented now has a different activity.

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