Michael Jordan has a new ‘Idol’ in golf: ‘I love Jon Ram’s style’

Michael Jordan has a new ‘Idol’ in golf: ‘I love Jon Ram’s style’

NBA legend praised golfer Barica in an interview with Stephen Curry

Pablo Ariza Martin

A legend like Michael Jordan has slept on the way he played the world’s #1 ranked golfer. He is clear about who wants to imitate the style of play. The new “idol” of the legendary “23” of the bull is none other than Biscayan Jon Ram. In an interview with Stephen Curry, another NBA star who loves sports, Jordan said this about golfer Barrica when asked who he’d like to look like: “John Ram. He has a good swing, and I like his style and he shows his feelings too. Besides, he’s He plays very well now.

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The talk gave more topics once the 2020 Ryder Cup, which took over for Team USA, ended. They also took the opportunity to compare both sports, golf and basketball: “I got into golf mainly because from a competitive point of view, it’s the hardest game for me.”

“In basketball, I can always answer the opponent both in defense and attack, but in golf, it’s like playing in the mirror. For a competitive person like me, that’s what makes me sane. When I quit basketball, golf was enough to keep my fire competitive.” , added the protagonist in the documentary “The Last Dance”.

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What Michael hates the most is losing, even after his retirement, and he made it clear in one of his speeches: “I hate him. There’s no more. But I respect him too, because losing is part of winning. You won’t win alone. You have to lose and then you win.”

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